Of Belarusian origin, he trained in gymnastics at the High School of Olympic Reserve in Minsk for 15 years. He began his circus career in 1988 as a flyer in the grand flying trapeze. He also worked for the state circus “souzgoszirc” where he practiced various acrobatic techniques. He has been teaching at ESAC since 1999.
Slava KukushkinBorn in Ukraine, he was trained at the Kiev Circus School, from which he graduated in 1981. He worked as an artist at the Moscow Circus in a trio performing Russian bar, banquine, and hand-to-hand acrobatics. He furthered his training in acrobatic gymnastics at Kiev University for 5 years. For 12 years, he taught concurrently at the Kiev Circus School. He arrived at ESAC in 2001, where he teaches hand-to-hand techniques, balance, and banquine.