⚠️ Important

Due to the new legislation in force in Belgium, we inform you that starting from the 2025-2026 academic year, tuition fees at ESAC for students from NON-European Union countries will increase. Please consult the \"Being a Student at ESAC\" page for more information.
On 22/02/2018
Ecole supérieure des arts du cirque Campus du Céria Avenue Emile Gryzon, 1 bâtiment 8B 1070 Bruxelles

Second year workshop of the Higher School of Circus Arts and students of the music field of the Royal Conservatory of Liège. Directed by Christophe Morisset.
In the circus as in music, the soloist’s performance must deal with the unavoidable reality of cooperation. For the duration of a show, thirty students combine their own specialties and their high technicality based on complementarity, community and solidarity. Without diminishing their individualities, they offer an orchestral vision of artistic practice, like a metaphor for a better possible world. A utopia ? No, more a question of choice.

Free entry, reservation essential: +32 2 526 79 00 / info@esac.be

Presentation at the Théâtre de Liège on May 18, 2018

With the participation of

  • Francisco Alvarez Lopez
  • Brandon Billen
  • Francisco Cabral Saruga De Oliveira Simoes
  • Axel Carton
  • Victor Cohilis
  • David Coppée
  • Marina Cherry
  • Wout Deneyer
  • Lucas Enriquez
  • Théo Enriquez
  • Gwendoline Grandjean
  • Lucien Flandre
  • Lucas Fraiture
  • Nicolas Fuentes Navarro
  • Jesus Galan Cruz
  • Kurtis Garcia
  • Francesco Germini
  • Vejde Grind
  • Maximiliano Guffanti
  • Thibault Hoffreumon
  • Juan David Jurado Muriel
  • Oriane Lautel
  • Carla Margarita Manrique Mendoza
  • Angelo Mazzitelli
  • Félicien Schroeder
  • Maiol Pruna Soler
  • Lucas Romero
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