The Line 8

Collective show by second year students of the Higher School of Circus Arts directed by Simon Thierrée



The movement of the air vibrates the vocal cords and causes the leaves to fall from a tree.
In English, or in Spanish, move and move are one and the same word. Music knows how to do that, it “moves” something in us, that’s its greatest power.
The music of movement.

A symphony is 4 movements: the first is the most important, it constitutes the heart. The 2nd is slower, calmer. The 3rd, shorter and more nervous and finally the last, grandiose.
Well, that was back then, now we can do what we want.

Turn over a new leaf

Show staged by Milan Herich and Petr Forman with third year students from the Higher School of Circus Arts.

What is the reason, the sense or motivation for which a circus artist chooses such object, such instrument, such tool, as a constant partner? Is the relation to the object more important, more exciting and more interesting than the ability that we have to practice with this one? Rather than being our opponent, could the object become our partner? The relationship between both of them is at the heart of the new collective show of ESAC. Through internal exploration, cooperative research and unlayering, twenty young artists look for reconciliation with the tools which share their art in day to day.

creative team:
Milan Herich / direction
Petr Forman / director
Simon Thierrée / music
Emilie Koang / musical collaboration
Vladimír Nemeček / lights
Aymará Parola / collaboration
Martin Kilvady / collaboration
Manuel Ronda / collaboration


Exit is the final stage in the training of ESAC students: a series of short numbers, as diverse as the personalities of these young artists. Singularity, inventiveness, and high standards: this is what is expected of them within the school, and in the professional world where they are now entering. You will be the first to judge their prowess!