⚠️ Important

Due to the new legislation in force in Belgium, we inform you that starting from the 2025-2026 academic year, tuition fees at ESAC for students from NON-European Union countries will increase. Please consult the \"Being a Student at ESAC\" page for more information.
On 30/01/2019
Ecole supérieure des arts du cirque Campus du Céria Avenue Emile Gryzon, 1 bâtiment 8B 1070 Bruxelles

ÉSAC, Cirqu’Conflex and the Hendrick Van Der Zee company (HVDZ) are inviting residents of Anderlecht and non-profit organizations to create together a film-show called “If your eye were sharper, you would see everything moving”
The concept of vigil is the starting point of this creation. The vigil is a 15-day residency where the artistic team meets the inhabitants of Anderlecht, records testimonies, offers artistic interventions – made of words, gestures, and images – and integrates their daily landscapes and their places of life. The artists will roam the streets, knock on doors, read texts, dance in the street and invite the public to attend the show born from all these encounters…
The goal is to create a show with the second year ESAC students, ensure the transmission of Vigil techniques to the students and produce a film show at the end of the residency. A film with and for the people met during the residency.
A show will be presented to you from January 30 to February 3, 2019 at L’ESAC. It will be the result of a 10-day residency and will combine acrobatics, texts, dances, videos and meetings.
You can follow the adventures and articles of this creation on the HVDZ company blog:

Free entry, reservation essential: +32 (0)2 526 79 00 // info@esac.be

With the participation of

  • Daniel Agustin Alvarez Canter
  • Leoni Baumbusch
  • Emilia Luz Colusi
  • Ana Cecilia Echevarria Morales
  • Paul Krügener
  • Carla Kühne
  • Carl Löwenborg
  • Patrick McMaster
  • Fabio Merante
  • Adolfo Nicolas Palma Neira
  • Victoria Perez Lacono
  • Kalani June
  • Chaimae Salih
  • Luca Torrenzieri
  • Ariane Verdigel
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