⚠️ Important

Due to the new legislation in force in Belgium, we inform you that starting from the 2025-2026 academic year, tuition fees at ESAC for students from NON-European Union countries will increase. Please consult the \"Being a Student at ESAC\" page for more information.
Du 27 au 30 mars 2024

Cross the line / Franchir la ligne / Ξεπερνώ το όριο / Pasarse de la línea / Überschreitung der linie / Over de lijn gaan / Átlépni a hatar / Passar da linha / לחצות את הקו / …


Words and moving bodies that wrote them, acrobatic beings heading to another territory.

Embodied by : un devenir arc en ciel, un devenir enfant, un devenir animal, un devenir rose de feu, un devenir nuage, un devenir fantôme, un devenir de l’eau parce qu’elle prend toutes les formes, un devenir arbre, un devenir méduse, un devenir Raiponce, un devenir fleuve, un devenir feu, un devenir sale gosse, un devenir tornade, un devenir équilibré…
dans un devenir ensemble une création collective en intelligence partagée.

A circus event with experimental music and low tech projections


From March 27 to 30 at 8 p.m.

Free upon reservation: invitations@esac.be



During supervised collective projects, students are confronted with directors, choreographers or circus artists, chosen for their artistic quality and their ability to direct them in a creative process. These scenarios aim to expose the student to original artistic languages that they can use to express their creativity while being aware of the entire creative group with which they evolve.


Directed by Gaëlle Bisellach
Director assistance: Carlos Landaeta Meneses
Light creation and projections: Sarah Faucon and Gaëlle Bisellach
Production management: Benoît Escarmelle
Technical direction: Jean-François Keller
Photographs: Maël Crespo
Production: ESAC
Thanks to Franck Française, Malika Rassikh-Brenas and Gilles Deleuze


Access map, click to enlarge :

With the participation of

  • Lina Abaka
  • Ana Al Bitar dos Santos
  • Gonzalo Jeremias Alarcon
  • Emma Appeltants
  • Zohar Baron
  • Ana Sophia Duquino Manco
  • Morgane Garnier
  • Malkom Georgoulis Samantoulgkou
  • Evelyn Montes Garcia
  • Gustavo Parreiras Freitas de Oliveira
  • Léon Pufahl
  • Sebastian Retamal Albornoz
  • Valentina Paz Roman Mendez
  • Aline Virginia Barros
  • Micah Wagner
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