⚠️ Important

Due to the new legislation in force in Belgium, we inform you that starting from the 2025-2026 academic year, tuition fees at ESAC for students from NON-European Union countries will increase. Please consult the \"Being a Student at ESAC\" page for more information.
CALL FOR APPLICATIONS 2025-2026Interview Cata & JayAt the Halles de Schaerbeek, the new generation is reinventing the codes of the circusCircle Project – Interview Reynaldo

The ENCC welcomed 8 students for a creative time accompanied by Jorge Lix and Javier Jimenez as artistic directors. The small group, composed of George and Alba from INAC – Portugal, Lison and Thea from ESAC – Brussels, Pauline and Lou de Carampa – Spain and Theresa and Mariana from ENCC – France, was able to imagine an artistic proposal that they will play Tuesday October 24 and Thursday October 26 in Auch as part of Circle at the Circa Auch festival. A project supported by FEDEC!


To see the video, click here !

“Our local artists”

Every morning, Charlotte Maréchal gives the floor to the artists hiding in the different districts of Brussels and shows us their talent. This Wednesday, she welcomes three students from ESAC, the Higher School of Arts and Circus, Katell Boudrandi-Saj, Marylou Aupic and Daniele Ippolito. Since this weekend, you can discover the exhibition “ARABESQUE/When the contemporary circus interprets Art Nouveau, as part of the Art Nouveau Year 2023”. An exhibition in collaboration with the artist photographer Zenzel and with the participation of ESAC students. It is a project which offers a reinterpretation of Brussels Art Nouveau architecture through circus arts and acrobatic arts.


To see the video, click here !

Brussels highlights its Art Nouveau thanks to its acrobats

A nice article from France 24 on the “Arabesque” project

> Follow the link

Alexander Vantournhout, the circus artist who constantly tours

Link to full article and video.


Photo Stanislav Dobak.

LE VIF / Interview with Reynaldo

Link to online article.

Find all the information about the event on Facebook or on the Halles de Schaerbeek website.


To go out…

Leave the conservatory, the circus school, the theater, and try to define a new territory.

Transform yourself into a geodramatic explorer, reinvent performative forms, joyful rituals where spectators, actors, musicians and circus performers meet, approach each other, warm up, rub, sweat, inspire each other.


During a 10-day residency at Latitude 50, Sara Selma Dolorès, surrounded by teachers, will offer the 25 students from the École Supérieure des Arts du Cirque, the École Supérieure d’Acteur and the field of Music of the Royal Conservatory of Liège to think and to put into action an aesthetic of bastardy. These 10 days will result in an evening of representation designed as an anti-identity card where specialists will be gagged and experts banned.


The ESAC, Higher School of Circus Arts, is located in Brussels and is part of the panel of Higher Artistic Schools of the FWB, in the same way as the Royal Conservatory of Liège which brings together the Higher School of Acting ( ESACT) and the field of Music. For the first time in Federation-Wallonia-Brussels, students from these three artistic fields meet.


From November 11 to 13, 2022, the creative circus will take place in all its facets, in all territories across Europe. Under the leadership of the Territoires de Cirque association, the broadcast networks are joining forces to celebrate this resolutely popular art and salute its vitality, its demands, its commitment to the fights for the equality of women and men, its dimension intercultural, as well as intergenerational. In 2019, the 1st edition of La Nuit du Cirque brought together more than 60 establishments – mobilized with artists, residents, local communities, associative networks, leisure circus schools… – for one day, an evening or a night to highlight the circus of creation. Marchin is doing his Circus Night and breaking down barriers by giving carte blanche to students from higher arts schools…


Click here for an article from L’Avenir on this beautiful evening.

Firco Festival 2022 Awards

First Prize: Nicolás Montes de Oca
Second Prize: Cía Punto Zero
Third Prize: Alonso González Barría
First public prize: Cía Punto Zero

For more information, click here.